How to find a job after graduation?
After graduation, I will find a new job. Easier said than done. How to be prepared to face this abyss between studies and your first work experience? Where should we look for new opportunities or future employment choices?
Focus on your skills
First of all, we should understand what our studies can give us that we can exchange for our product and that it can be a good solution for our future employer. In other words, we should think more about the questions that many recruiters ask us: Why should the company hire you and not other candidates? We need to answer this question honestly and find out what practical skills we have gained so far during our studies. Is it good time management skills or good communication skills? Then we need to give an example of when we used this skill or how it helped us to resolve a problem in the past. This model of interviewing is called the STAR model.
Manage your LinkedIn profile
Secondly, think about your Linkedin profile! Many job offers can be found right away after your graduation, they don’t require any kind of experience, and the most difficult part is to find the right candidate. Linkedin platform can be a form of your online CV where your future employer can easily contact you if you use special keywords that can describe your skills or study field. Just focus on your strengths and put them on your profile in order to be better visible and easier reachable by recruiters that can offer you your first career after graduation.
Some useful keywords:
- Entry level, junior, no experience required
- Internships, programmes for graduates
Get to know the companies that already work in your study field
As your next step, you can do a search on the internet about the companies that work already in your study field. There can be people who finished the same university and have already found jobs in good workplaces. You can ask them directly or just find out what kind of jobs they have been doing so far. Then follow the companies and understand their way of working, the most important is to understand if you like it and if you want to be a part of their team in the future. Your honest motivation and real interest in a company is sometimes the best thing that you can show during the interview!
Final thoughts about finding your dream job after graduation
You can also follow recruitment agencies that can have a wide variety of job offers not only for one company but many others so you can find out about market need at a particular time but also the recruiters from these kinds of agencies are more willing to help and advice young graduates how to be better prepared before their first interview with important companies!
If you are looking for new opportunities feel free to check our open vacancies. We are recruiting all over Europe for many sectors. Our multicultural team is dedicated to finding the best opportunity for you so feel free to reach us.
Check our website to be sure you will not miss any vacancy that might be your future dream job also with different languages:
We wish you GOOD LUCK for your future interviews,