by wpx_adriano | May 22, 2020 | community, Customer service, Find a job, Krakow, Poland, work, work abroad
Nowadays, it is believed that there is no more need for learning new languages since we can use apps to translate everything or English is sufficient enough. However, in a working environment, this statement seems to be false. Here you can find reasons why languages...
by wpx_adriano | Aug 14, 2019 | community, entrepreneurship, IT development, Krakow, Outsourcing services, Poland
Focus on Eastern Europe: Why is Poland your best choice for IT outsourcing in 2020? Where can I outsource my IT project? Where can I find the best outsourced IT developers? To answer these questions, first of all, we will list the factors you should have in...
by wpx_adriano | May 8, 2019 | Active Listening, Communication, corporation, Engagement, entrepreneurship, management, work
by Alessandro Lombardi There are 35 Italians in the annual Forbes classification of the richest people in the world.The first Italian on this list is Giovanni Ferrero, son of Michele Ferrero, whom everyone knows as the father of Nutella—a brilliant entrepreneur who...
by wpx_adriano | Mar 11, 2019 | Customer service, Czech Repulic, IT development, Krakow, multilingual recruitment, Outsourcing services, Poland, Recruitment in Eastern Europe
Get in touch with our team: ITSELECTA Tel. +48 508033065
by wpx_adriano | Feb 7, 2019 | business community, community, IT development, Italy, Krakow, Poland
by Alessandro Lombardi I like reading. When I read, I can feel my skills, knowledge and horizons expanding. For me, reading is a way of challenging my existing patterns of thought and learn new things. Another way to achieve this is by joining a community....